[UPDATE] Patch Note ver. 1.1.10 (October 20th)

October 21 , 2021

Greetings, FS City

The followings are the updates for the end of this month.


1. New Character Update; Noah

After experiencing the unfortunate accident of losing one leg overnight, this basketball prospect put on a robotic prosthesis and stood back on the court.

What caused the bright-faced boy to harbor deep hatred in his heart? What happened to Noah's past, who seemed lonely for some reason? Let's take a look at Noah, a versatile new shooting guard character with brilliant dribbling, accurate shots and unpredictable passes!

Between The Leg Crossover

After taking a between-the-leg motion for a certain period of time, Noah can quickly break through the opponent with a crossover dribble.

While Noah is using this skill, his ball cannot be stolen.

Feel the charm of Noah, who has excellent dribbling, shooting, and passing ability to perform triple threat attack after the between-the-leg motion!

Nut Meg

Noah can quickly move behind his opponent by putting the ball between his legs when he tries to block or steal.

Even the most demanding defenders are prone to Noah's psychological warfare.

Use Noah's Nutmeg skill to embarrass your opponent and complete a brilliant play!

Back Dribble

During the dribble, Noah can distance himself from the opponent by backing away in the opposite direction of the goal.

If the opponent tricked by the back dribble steps backwards, the opponent will get an ankle break.

Noah is able to back dribble even during between-the-leg motion. Confuse the opposing defenders and outrun them perfectly!


Noah doesn't lose the ball against single steal attempt, even when the opponent gets a perfect steal against Noah.

A stolen ball has a 100% chance to bounce on the floor and become a loose ball in the air, and mid-air competition is possible.

Maintain possession of the ball with Noah's unique trait of not allowing easy steals!

One More Chance

Even if Noah collides head-on with an opponent who is facing up while breaking through the dribble, he can step back for a while and resume his attack.

However, please note that it does not activate during back dribbling.

Enjoy Noah's powerful ball handling ability, which continues to attack even after colliding with the opponent with a certain probability.

2. Training Quest Improvement

Welcome to the FS academy! Here, you can learn your must-know information step by step!

The grand renewal of the training quest is updated! Here is the change!

1) Now you can see the whole list of training quest

2) Now you can progress multiple missions at the same time

3) You can move directly to the content to carry out the mission on the mission page.

4) There will be 3 levels of the mission: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Once you complete all missions of one level, you can proceed to the next level


1. Zombie Arcade Mode

Creepy Halloween zombies comes to conquer FS town for this year again!

Grab your ball and ring the rim to haunt all zombies!

[How To Haunt Zombie]

1) Escape from the zombie crowd! If you hit by zombie you will lose your heart!

2) Change the ball color and score it to burn off the zombie with same color!

3) If you haunt zombies, you will get combos. If you haunt more zombie at a time, you get more combs

4) Combo makes your score higher. The more score you have, the more reward you get!

5) If you lose your HP or making a combo, ‘Breaking a curse’ skill gauge will rise.

6) Once the gauge is full, you can knock out all zombies at once!

7) For boss phase, only skill can damage the boss. So burn off more zombies, collect skill gauge, and break the boss!

[Important Note]

1) You can receive the reward 3 times a day

2) Based on your score, box grade and amount will be different

3) Box gives out a random reward. You may get the Intensive manual!

[Bug Fix]

We have fixed the following issue for this update.

1) [Steam] Preset change when entering Free Mode with Preset change command

2) [PS4/Xbox] Position filter change after setting an AI on Free Mode triggers game freeze

3) [All] Occasionally, Rugby ball object stays after JFL outfit’s free action is rendered


1. Noah DLC On Sale

A versatile Shooting Guard with brilliant dribbling, accurate shots and unpredictable passes,

Noah, now joins 3on3 FreeStyle!

Check out 3 perfect deals for Noah!

Legendary DLC contains Noah’s exclusive outfit, accessory, and hair!

2. Noah Management Package

Chance to prepare all the necessities to manage Noah’s ability!

Check out 2 different deals!

3. Noah Platinum Card Sale

Noah release special!

Limited offer to get Noah’s platinum card!

4. Noah FreeStyle Platinum Card Sale

Noah release special!

Get Noah’s versatile moves!

5. P5 Noah Shopping Bag

Chance to get P5 skill maxed Noah straightaway!

Guaranteed P5 Noah within 150 purchases! Guaranteed pick is only available during the event period.

Don’t miss out to get P5 Noah if you aim to max him out!

6. Character Stat Boost Event

Boost your character and receive special rewards!

Unlock more missions with Noah and get additional rewards!

Raise Noah to P5 or pull P5 Noah from shopping bag for premium rewards!

7. Noah Trailer Share Event

Share the full trailer video of our new 3on3 FS character, Noah to your friends!

Total 20 players will win Free Noah!

What if you already own Noah? Don’t worry! You will get 50 points instead!

Go to official channel to participate : [Twitter: https://twitter.com/3on3FreeStyle]/[Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/3on3FreeStyle]

8. Hot Time Package

Essential items for ultimate growth!

Don’t miss the rare chance to immediately boost your characters!

Available only once per account for each package!

9. Skill Training Rush Week

Train your character and win free rewards!

Depending on the total number of skill training, you can get all rewards above!

*Reward will be sent during 10/27 maintenance

10. 3on3 Victory Rush Week

Chance to get valuable items depending on the number of game wins!

Play 3on3 normal mode and claim items worth more than 200% coin buff!

*Reward will be sent during 10/27 maintenance

11. Extra Points Event

Get extra points instantly with your point DLC purchased!

12. Halloween Weekend Buff Wave

Get Coin/EXP 100% buff on 3on3 mode!

Only during this weekend!

13. Zombie Mode Update (event only)

Clear the boss to get Halloween pumpkin candy backpack!

Be the top zombie hunter to get zombie box head!

- 3on3 Freestyle Team