[UPDATE] Patch Note ver. 1.1.00 (September 2nd)

September 2 , 2021

Greetings, FS City

The followings are the updates for the end of this month.​


1. Astro Buff Rank Mode [Postponed]

Show your talent throughout the whole universe!

The brand new fresh game in space, Astro Buff Rank Mode is coming!

Enjoy short, light gameplay with Astro Buff for 3 minutes per match!

(Otherwise, you might run out of oxygen!)

No more single setting and strategy! The special Astro Buff will boost your stats to encourage

diverse play and setting by season!

Do not miss your chance to win new gold & silver UFO pets, points, ability cards and nametags!

Check out the following details to become a top baller of this new mode and win fancy rewards!

1) Astro Buff Mode is a new rank mode with seasonal buff to certain stats

2) To maximize the advantage of Astro Buff, set your ability cards, freestyles, P-Buff and food buff

to boost the stats even more!

3) The stats related to Astro Buff will affect the MVP scoring system during the season. 

(ex: If Astro Buff boosts Rebound stat, the number of Rebound will be highly valued when choosing MVP)

4) In Astro Buff Rank Mode, you can compete with ability cards, freestyles, P-Buff and food buff.

1) A team with more Points after 3 minutes (Short game) wins the match

2) 24 seconds shot-clock.

3) 1 minute overtime

4) Each team has 1 timeout. You can either change or keep play the same character

5) No Stamina recovery during timeout and overtime

Surprisingly, our new basketball arena is in outer space! Hope you enjoy the moon background

while playing the game.    

For this season, Astro Buff Rank mode runs for 2 weeks. Our first Astro Buff will boost 

characters’ stats regarding 

Steal ability! Therefore, the number of Steal will be valued three times higher (x3) when

choosing MVP during this season! 

Be the best Ball-Stealer and dominate the court!  

To show off your performance on the moon, make sure to check out the followings also!

How can I play Astro Buff Rank Mode?

Navigate to [Play] menu – [Astro Buff Rank Mode] menu

When first entering the mode, you can choose one region for your rank system.

Choose one region among ASIA / NA/ EU regions. You can change region later, 

but your Rank Score will be reset.

How can I check this season’s Astro Buff?

Navigate to [Event] menu and find the Astro Buff Rank Mode event page

Or, navigate to Rank Mode Squad page and find ‘Rules’ banner.

Check this season’s Astro Buff and make sure your characters are ready to utilize the Buffed stats!


What decides Rank and Tier?

Astro Buff Rank mode basically follows the existing 3x3 Rank system.

Your wins and loses give Rank score that would add up to your total Rank score.

Reaching a certain score mark would instantly put you on a Tier. Top Tier, on the other hand,

is a little more particular.

To reach Rank SSS, you must fulfill both score and top place.

Even though you have at least 1900 scores, you must in the Top rank in your region to be Rank SSS.

What should I avoid while playing Astro Buff Rank Mode?

Make sure you don’t leave in the middle of match! Penalty will be applied right after the game.

For those players with penalty cannot join or be invited to the Rank mode for 1 hour.


[Astro Buff Rank Mode Rewards]

Claim Rewards once the season is over! You can claim reward through event page, 

which will last for 1 week after the end of the season.

But don’t worry! Unclaimed items will be directly sent to your Message Box at the very end of the event.

Check out this season’s special reward! You may not miss adorable new UFO pets, name tags,

points and ability cards!

2. UI/UX Unification & Improvement

UI/UX for all platform has been unified and improved to provide the most adequate game experience.

Let’s check out the new UI design for 3on3 Freestyle!

1) Lobby

-Now you can access to main menu without entering Main Street

-Food Buff and Job moved to [ACTIVITY] menu

2) Game Mode

-Now you can select game mode directly from the lobby

-Game start button added at the right bottom corner to go line up quickly. 

This button let you enter the lineup page of your recently played mode

-Practice mode is added under [PLAY] menu

3) Characters/Management/Shop

-All sub menus are aligned at the left side

-You can navigate the sub menu easier than before!

4) Shop

-All sub menus are aligned at the left side and you can navigate the sub menu more easily

-All theme/jersey outfit items are offered as customized price

-Unified the price of following categories

l  Patch / Back Number (PS4/Xbox)

l  Manual Items (Xbox)

l  Silver FS Pack (Xbox)

5) Social

-You can access notice / social / message box / friend list with simple move of R-stick

With this update, you can experience congruent atmosphere regardless of platform!

3. Daily & Weekly Quest Improvement

Clear simple daily missions and get more rewards!

Single quest has been improved to Daily quest!

[How To Do Daily Quest]

-Everyday, you will assigned 8 different daily missions to clear

-When you clear the missions you get the assigned reward and 1 daily quest point

-Based on how many daily quest point you cumulated, you can received weekly extra bonus​

-Forgot what is your ongoing mission? You can always check your daily quest status at the lineup page

Check out what you can get from your daily quest!

4. AFK Penalty System

Thank you for your patient! As we announced from our previous note, we updated AFK penalty system!

Let’s see how it works!

1) If you do not participate the game for a certain time you are regarded as AFK user

2) If there is a AFK user, remaining teammate can vote to kick the AFK user

3) AFK user will not receive any reward from the match whether the user is expelled from the match or not

4) AFK user will get penalty points

5) If AFK user cumulates enough penalty points, he will receive the penalty to play game

6) Expelled AFK user will be replaced to A.I from the game

We will continuously revise this system and keep our best to provide fair game experience.


1. New Pet Update

Cute cosmic buddies come to FS city! Meet the new space-theme pet and their cosmic powers!

These pets come out with new buff ability and larger buff effect!

Rabbit Alien UFO and Space Dog Laika pet can be acquired by chance by opening Gold or Platinum Kennel.

UFO pets are Astro Buff Rank S/SS/SSS Rank reward!


1. Astro Buff Rank Mode​ [Postponed]

Ball on the moon and experience the cosmic power!

Who will be the top baller among the universe?

Only opens 12 hours every day for 2 weeks!!​

2. Astro Challenge Event [Postponed]

Play Astro Buff Rank and finish 7 matches to win free rewards!

Reward : XP Drink(L) x5 / Silver FS Ticket x3 / Gold Card Ticket x2

*Reward will be sent to message box during 9/8 maintenance​

3. Rabbit Alien Shopping Bag w. Collect Event

Greet the rabbit alien living on the moon!

Open the shopping bag and collect all parts of the Rabbit Alien Costume!

Special celebration making your opponent as small as an ant will be given if you collect all outfits!

*Reward will be sent to your message box during 9/23 maintenance​

4. White Space Suit Promotion

Get dresses up with White Space Suit and go on a space trip to the moon!

Maybe… you can meet the mysterious creature…!?

*White Space Suit Promotion

Step 1 : Spaceship Backpack (54 points)

Step 2 : 20,000 Coins (75 points)

Step 3 : Random Platinum Pack x6 (80 points)

Step 4 : Astronaut Helmet (90 points)

Step 5 : White Space Suit Free-Action Outfit (129 points)​

5. White Space Suit Promotion Completion Bonus

Climb up the ladder of white space suit promotion and complete the promotion!

Special Martian nametag and Where did you take me? Celebration will be given!

*Reward will be sent during 9/15 maintenance

6. 600 Points of Login Bonus​

Grab 3x points for your payment!

Just log in for 13 days during event period and get 3x points total of your purchase!

Get 200 points for your payment immediately and get daily extra points!

You can get 400 extra points!

7. Platinum Kennel On Sale​

Meet the newly-updated space-theme buddy from platinum kennel!

This pet has stronger buff effect than ever!

Platinum kennels are available from the shop for a limited period!

Don’t miss this exclusive chance!

[Kennel Draw Rate]​

8. September’s Login Bonus

Login every day and get the login bonus!

Complete monthly login to receive this month’s exclusive nametag and Intensive manual!​

9. 3on3 FreeStyle Streamer Event

Be the Best Streamer of September!

Tag 3on3 FreeStyle and upload your video

Reach 2k view to becoming 3on3 Best Streamer

Upload your best play or any kind related to 3on3FreeStyle and get a chance to have your clip on our official Channel!

And for extra, get a specially made Streamer’s Nametag and some good amount of Points as well!

Posting Period:
9/1 ~ 9/30 23:59 PDT

Streamers will be announced on the 3on3FreeStyle Official Website.

Event Mechanics:

**Only those with the ‘3on3FreeStyle’ Keyword will count as a potential candidate.

**Please show your Steam Online ID (ID in your name tag)

**Only those on YouTube will be counted.

**If you post multiple, the posting with the most view count will be counted.

**The clip doesn’t need to be live streaming, it can be recorded clips. ​

**Streamer’s Event will continue next month as well!

Reward and benefits for top streamers:​

- 3on3 Freestyle Team