2023 Tournament Final Match Up

October 18 , 2023

The final matches for 2023 Tournament is ready to set!

Let’s check out the match schedule of our grand fight!

1. Rule

-3vs3 Single Round, Best Of 3 Games

-After each round, you will have around 2 min of break time

2. Time Frame

-Match 1: TheFiendXayee vs Inabxlity- : 17:00 – 17:20 PDT (Each Round : 17:00 / 17:05 / 17:10)

-Match 2: TTV JOKER116 vs Myst : 17:25 – 17:45 PDT (Each Round : 17:25 / 17:30 / 17:35)

-Final: 17:50 – 18:10 PDT (Each Round : 17:50 / 17:55 / 18:00)

-Bronze Match: 18:15 – 18:30 PDT (Each Round : 18:15 / 18:20 / 18:25)

*Match start time may be changed due to match process time

1. Rule

-3vs3 Single Round, Best Of 3 Games

-After each round, you will have around 2 min of break time

2. Time Frame

-Match 1: Woof_Nathan vs SaWaKu__ : 15:00 – 15:20 CEST (Each Round : 15:00 / 15:05 / 15:10)

-Match 2: Woltz_02 vs PR SAD : 15:25 – 15:45 CEST (Each Round : 15:25 / 15:30 / 15:35)

-Final: 15:50 – 16:10 CEST (Each Round : 15:50 / 15:55 / 16:00)

-Bronze Match: 16:15 – 16:30 CEST (Each Round : 16:15 / 16:20 / 16:25)

*Match start time may be changed due to match process time.

1. Rule

1) 8 to 4: 

-3vs3 Normal Mode, Single Elimination

-Please note that match rule will change after first round

2) 4 to Final: 

-3vs3 Single Round, Best Of 3 Games

-After each round, you will have around 2 min of break time

2. Time Frame

-8 to 4: 18:00 – 18:20 KST
-Match 1: 18:30 – 18:50 KST (Each Round : 18:30 / 18:35 / 18:40)
-Match 2: 18:55 – 19:15 KST (Each Round : 18:55 / 19:00 / 19:05)
-Final: 19:20 – 19:40 KST (Each Round : 19:20 / 19:25 / 19:30)
-Bronze Match: 19:40 – 20:00 KST (Each Round : 19:40 / 19:45 / 19:50)

*Match start time may be changed due to match process time.

1. Issue Fixed

-Now you can watch matches via Tournament Spectate Mode regardless of players spectate setting.

*Regarding Tournament Spectate Mode, please read this patchnote : [LINK]

-Minor camera issue fixed

2. Best MC Challenge Event Ongoing

Don’t forget to join the Best MC Challenge Event and win $200 with bunch of points reward!

For more detail, please refer the event page : [LINK]

3. Special Coupon Distribution

During Final live stream, we will distribute special coupon code including points, intensive skill ball, gold card ticket, and more!

Please join the live stream and wait for the coupon!

Please note that these coupon codes are redeemable until 10/22 23:59 PDT.

So don’t miss it!