2023 Tournament Entry Registration

August 2 , 2023

Be the best Team of 2023 with our 2023 Championship Tournament!

Be the glorious winner to obtain exclusive halo accessory and pile of cash rewards!


Submit your entry for 2023 tournament and get ready for the fierce fight!​

- Submit your entry via submission form

- Submission period : 8/2 – 8/15 23:59 PDT (2 weeks)

- Entry Form : https://forms.gle/eKu49PZKYyaTAXNs6

- Only the team leader can write the form. If we receive duplicate form under same teammates, your second application will be disregarded.

- Submitting this form DOES NOT GUARANTEE your participation of tournament. We will revise candidates and select the team.

NOTE: Local Co-Op is not allowed for tournament.

- Any issue happening due to misfiling the form will not be considered.

- Please DO NOT CHANGE YOUR NAME until tournament is finished. Any issue happens due to change of your name will not be considered.

- All application MUST BE SUBMITTED BEFORE DEADLINE. Any submission after the submission period will be disregarded.

- By submitting this form, you agree with our Terms & Condition.


- NA: 32 teams

- EU: 16 teams

- Asia: 8 teams

- If entry exceeds the team slots, we will evaluate the submission and select the eligible team.

2) Tournament Detail:

- NA tournament will be held on East server. Any issue happens because of your distance from server location will not be handled.

- NA and EU tournament will have qualifier round during 9/2. You will be divided into 4 groups and only the winner can move to the final round. Detailed time schedule will be announced later.

- Asia tournament will be held during 9/9, 8 to final. 

3) Tournament Reward:

- Detailed reward information will be announced later. So stay tuned for our next update!

- Winner will get exclusive halo accessory, tournament nametag, and most important, cash reward!

- To receive cash reward, we may request your personal information to process our payment. If you do not want this process, you can choose points as alternate reward.

4) Terms & Agreement:

- Any usage of unauthorized program and showing disrespectful manner towards other players is not allowed. If we find any of your ill-mannered activity during tournament, you will be eliminated.

- Failure of participating tournament discord (Team Leader) in time will automatically result in disqualification.

- Failure to participate in the tournament in time will automatically result in disqualification.

- If you wish to receive tournament cash reward, you must submit a separate form containing your personal information.

- Please be aware that your ID may be exposed to our promotion video utilizing tournament matches.



Qualifier Round : 9/2 17:00 – 20:00 PDT

Final Round : 9/9 17:00 – 19:00 PDT

*Match bracket and starting time will be announced later

[EU Server]


Qualifier Round : 9/2 15:00 – 17:00 CEST (06:00 – 08:00 PDT)

Final Round : 9/9 15:00 – 17:00 CEST 06:00 – 08:00 PDT)

*Match bracket and starting time will be announced later

[Asia Server]


8 to Final : 9/9 18:00 – 20:00 KST

*Due to number of entry, tournament for Asia will be held on 9.9 only

*Match bracket will be announced later

- 3on3 FreeStyle Team