[UPDATE] Patch Note ver. (November 6th)
November 6 , 2024
Greetings, FS City
The followings are the updates for the end of this month.
1. Draft Event; Get Your P5 Character For Free!

Draft your favorite character for free!Exclusive chance to get your wanted P5 character by just participating the event!
Let’s check out the event rules now!
[Event Rules]
- Draft Event will be activated for 4 weeks since your first login during the event period.
▶ Event Period: 11/6 – 12/10 23:59 PST
▶ Please note that event will open only for 4 weeks. It will close regardless of remaining event period upon reaching 4 weeks of activation
- Upon choosing the character, you will get temporary P5 character & permanent P1 character of your selection. To make it as permanent, you MUST complete missions in Draft Event and get Draft EXP.
- You cannot change your selection. Please make sure before confirmation.
- If you own duplicate character with same or higher prestige, it will not be refunded as point. You can still get other rewards via Draft Event.
- If you select duplicate character but your owned character is lower than P5, your character will be upgraded to P5 upon receiving character reward.
[How To Participate]
-Go to [Event] – [Draft Event] to participate the event
-If you are new comer, you can also access via [New Comer] – [Draft Event] page.
-Select character of your favorite out of selectable 5!
-Enjoy 3on3 with your temporary character!
-Clear various missions and get Draft EXP to raise event progress.
-Upon reaching event steps, you will get various rewards including Permanent P5 Character!
2. Ox Queen’s Dance Challenge Score Range Change
Thank you for loving Ox Queen’s Dance Challenge!
As we check baller’s score record, we found out the score population is unevenly distributed.
To make the challenge more competitive and achievable, we have adjusted the score range.
Please check below for more detail.
1. Clara’s Dash Steal Balance Patch
After investigating the baller’s opinions, we have found that ballers have difficulty understanding the appropriate distance to use Dash Steal effectively.
Dash Steal allows you to steal an opponent’s ball based on the distance.
To use it effectively, you MUST use the skill from the appropriate distance.
As we understand the difficulties, we have adjusted the distance requirement as follows:
*Previous: 1.5M - 2.5M
*Now: 2.5M - 3.25M
Please note that Clara’s Dash Steal may fail if you use the skill outside the effective distance.
~ 3on3 Freestyle Team