[UPDATE] Patch Note ver. (July 10th)

July 10 , 2024

Greetings, FS City

The followings are the updates for July.


1. New Intensive Character; Pedro

Our might Pedro is here for intensive update!

Meet intensive Pedro’s new strength and exclusive outfit!

Upgrade Pedro and do challenge with him!

[Quick Jumper]

Perform a quick Jump Shot right after you receive a Pass. You can utilize Pedro in offensive situation! Score with Quick Jumper!

[Over Pass Intercept]

Intercept an Over Pass. Don’t worry when Pedro is not near the ball! He can intercept any pass trying to bypass Pedro!

[Touch Pass]

Make a quick pass to your teammate right after receiving a pass. Use Pedro more strategically. It will be a good choice to use Pedro as a good pass player!

Thank you for your continued support!