[UPDATE] Patch Note ver. (October 25th)

October 25 , 2023

Greetings, FS City!

The following are the updates for October.


1. New Intensive Character; Cindy

Let’s Rock’n Roll! Cindy shows to her inner spirit with Inteisve Update!

Let’s check out her emotic movement and new Intensive skills!

[Quick Jumper]

Perform a quick Jump Shot right after you receive a Pass. Utilize Cindy’s passive skills and aim the score!​​

[Blind Defense]​

Significantly reduces shoot success rate. Do you think Cindy is only good at passing? No ways! She can decrease your shot success rate and help teammates!

[Over Pass Intercept]​

Intercept an Over Pass. How you think to do the overpass in front of Cindy? She just simply jumps over and intercept your over pass!

2. [Steam] In-Game Chat Improvement

In-game chat system has been improved to provide more enjoyable chat environment.

Let’s check out the change!

1) Chatting Channel Change

-To change your chatting channel, click the UI button

-Your default chatting channel is changed to ‘Team-Channel’

-In 1vs1 mode, ‘All-Channel’ is default channel

2) Mute Function

-You can now mute certain channel’s chat via Chat Option

-You can mute all chat or team chat. If you mute all chat, you can only see your teammate’s chat

-To change your chat option, mark the chat visibility right on the input UI

-If you block a user, you will not see blocked user’s chat regardless of your chat option